
Showing posts from January, 2013

Cain, My Brother.

It is not easy for me to form new habits and disciplines; it  simply does not come naturally, and it requires some considerable conscious effort. Even if, however, I do apply myself to establishing a new discipline, that I will succeed is far from certain. To put it simply, no matter how determined I am to see it through, often I just forget, and so my good intentions seldom make it to the habit stage. Thankfully, this same forgetfulness, combined with a desire for variety in my activities, has also kept me free from many bad, time wasting, habits. I might occasionally binge on video games or internet, but that can be followed by weeks of fast, virtually unbroken; mostly because, I believe, those things just lose their novelty too quickly. Indeed, one of my habits, which might most be considered a time suck, is walking. It is not however, while it is my mechanism for collecting my thoughts and bringing them into some semblance of order. That, accompanied with the relative tranqui...

Week Two: In Progress.

I have slipped into a new routine since the beginning of the semester. I get up early every morning, entirely too early to be decent, drive up to campus, and knock out an enormous amount of homework. There are few drawbacks to this plan; it has cut back greatly on my black-hole time and eliminated some stress. Unfortunately, I am spending 4 mornings a week solely on homework, and goodness knows a solid chunk besides in my evenings and between classes. Nonetheless, I am just managing to get my basic, weekly, homework assignments done in a manner satisfactory to me. Granted, I have already started to put some work in on my senior seminar, but the fact remains that the major assignments for this semester have not yet hit. I can already tell that this one is going to be a bit of a wild ride...which I already kind of knew when I got into it. I am going to have to concentrate on finding ways to do research faster than I have been accustomed to in previous semesters. I am going to have to...