It is such an easy thing to allow a blog to fall into neglect. I have the most time to write when things are slow on the home front, but I bore myself with the banal material and chafe at my own self-satisfied pomposity. And when something worthy of chronicling does come up, well, there never seems to be much time to spare for blogging. No, that's not true. I could easily find time to blog. I find plenty of time to putz around.

Since the end of this last semester I have been lucky enough to remain busy with work, be that selling suits or demolition on the new house. Penney's continues to provide for moderately enjoyable work at a decent wage. There are of course aggravations, some from customers, others from colleagues, and still more from bosses who think that the fact that I do the extra work the others won't means that they should demand even more from me. But these are all petty annoyances, and are usually easily dealt with. The Job remains pleasant, the pay decent, and the mall a fascinating den of skankitude...with a Starbucks, for those really bad days. =-p

Last semester ended well enough. A's across the board and some very positive feedback from a couple of my professors. Next semester features Arabic, Promise and Problems of Democracy (my first full 400 level), Roman History, and Business German. It will just the thirteen credit hours. Five classes and 20+ hours a week at work is an experience I'll save for once I'm a more polished student.

I've been reassessing my future career choice, and I beginning to lean toward rodeo clown. If that falls through, I can always go for ward of state or pimp. Last semester I wound up spinning more than enough sophistries, "making the weaker argument the stronger," as it were. I actually wrote a paper that directly contradicted my own feelings on a topic, which got perfect marks and glowing commentary, but I didn't really get any satisfaction out of it. I take no satisfaction in winning an argument when I know I'm wrong, and law would certainly require just that. Nein, danke. Ich möchte lieber etwas befriedigend machen.

Enough. I need to stretch the writing portion of my brain; it will take a little while.


  1. I vote for rodeo clown. You could pull it off and still be charming.


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