Conservative Ninjas!

Life in our house goes on much as it has this past age. The bothers and I are still energetic gluttons with hair growing on top of our feet, and while none of us has taken to pipeweed, we are looking forward to dealing with dragons in the near future.

Sickness takes it out of you. I missed a bunch of work and school, and it just took so long to feel as if everything were back on track, hence the long time since my last blog post. But that is over now, my goals are in cite once more, and my average German grades have improved on three consecutive items. Things are rolling.

I found out today that I missed a very important person on campus when I was giving status updates on the Shewoof. A one S. Roberts hadn't the fuzziest that she was married. Oh well, can't be expected to remember everyone all by myself.

For those who don't know, my sister and her husband have received priority orders from the conservative Illuminati and are currently stationed in the hostile bastion of Madison, where they are working quietly to affect commonsense and intelligence amongst the populace; a difficult and dangerous task.

Meanwhile, I hold the home front. I am currently tasked with passively collecting information and quietly spreading the message. I am seldom engaged on serious field missions, but for those stupid enough to challenge me, they find themselves eviscerated at the hands of an intellectual ninja.

I'm looking into ISI to help with my goals; I had a professor suggest them as a possible place to obtain scholarships/possibly get some of my future writing published.

Also, I talked earlier with one of my professors about staging an invasion of a certain foreign nation, which needs to give up on the Euro and return to the Mark. I have been put on the scent of things that I must do and people with whom I must speak to begin putting together the logistics of such a campaign. Such a campaign likely would have to wait until fall 2012/spring 2013, but it is, I'm assured, a realistic goal. The early plan would have my goal as Tübingen.

Three! Three blog post! Ah Ah Ah!


  1. I've certainly enjoyed your blog posts of this evening but any comments I might make on the first two would almost certainly fall into the "inane" category.

    The same might be said of these comments, but I have to tell you how pleased I am that you apparently are "back" and in good form. I also want you to know your first paragraph made me very lonesome for you and your brothers.

    It is indeed a good feeling to know you are doing your work on the home front while, I am confident, doing all in your power to encourage your loved ones working in more challenging circumstances.

    Your comments about ISI, as well as a possible foreign campaign, piqued my interest. I anxiously await possible updates in future posts. <3

  2. You, inane? Don't be inane!

    I think there are few places from which I am less likely to expect inanity.

    Happily, we will have the opportunity to see you before too long, and I will definitely keep updates coming as the other items develop.

  3. "...Madison, where they are working quietly to affect commonsense and intelligence amongst the populace; a difficult and dangerous task."


    Ahem. Sorry. I've lived in Madison all my life, and know from way too many past experiences that trying to imbibe any of its inhabitants with common sense, intelligence, or even a decent sense of humour is like trying to convince a starving cat that the bacon you are frying up is not delicious and assuredly meant for them.

    I'm curious to see how your plan for getting rid of the Euro goes. Maybe, if it works, you could move on to France? I'd love to see the Franc come back.


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