Meanwhile, at the Friendly Fox...

Just finished a German Exam. Proctor was Herr. Roberts and I really miss that man. The class is split 50/50 on those who prefer Roberts or Schulz. I am for Roberts, his technique was better for me. Oh well, Frau Schulz is, at the very least, decent and fairly amusing...I also miss Herr Roberts merciful grading. ;-p

I'm trying to get into a paper on either Aristotle of Plato. I have made brief inroads into both possibilities and find the same problem in both cases. When I am talking about Plato I want to use material from my dear friend, Aristotle, and also vice versa. Aristotle would be easier, but Plato would earn me much greater kudos. I will have to consider it tonight as I walk the winding ways of highway 17.

More frustrating than my beautifully pertinent and meaningful POLSY paper, is my newest com assignment. A self analysis paper. Do all of these gen ed classes require one of these? Am I going to have to do a self analysis paper when I take a math class? "The Number One and I: a Dramatic and Tawdry Love Story of Epic Proportions." I still have not had to speak in class, but here I am, doing yet another naval-gazer. The main difference with this one is that I need to demonstrate knowledge of at least six of the massive 19 syllable compound words from the textbook.

But enough of my flocci-nauci-nihili-pilification of Com-114. (Yeah, I've always wanted to use that one.)

Also, since I have been plotting out my Demonstrative Speech on the wearing of hats...There are three young gentlemen--hooligans, if you will...or even if you won't--who always wear their hats all through class. This generates issue: How to point out that one should remove one's hat indoors, especially in class, without offending said creatures? More imperative because I sit next to, chat, and get along rather well with one of said gentlemen. We'll see...also, will have to look into/talk with Shewoof about what points of womens hat wearing I should touch on. I read something earlier about using angle to compliment and accentuate fem/masc side of face...will have to find more about this.

Patrick Casey--C of A by the G of G--signing out.


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