Thoughts of the Morning

This morning I realized that I have a desperate need for more bandannas; this being brought on by the fact that most of mine are pretty monotone.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that my morning ritual in the bathroom took three songs. Shewoof's took (like) a whole Five for Fighting CD, and yet, she will protest to her dying breath that she doesn't take that long. We know the truth.

Certain pictures are better left unshared.

I am sad that Lala will be gone.

I feel like an Irish hooligan has taken a brickbat to my head.

And I need to sign up for a new math placement test sometime this summer. The requirements for the class I want to get into were surpassed by my first test, but I was not a Liberal Arts major yet. *Le sigh*

This slate of classes was too easy; I need classes that make me work and think. Plus, I like it when more of my grade comes from my written work than from my exams.

Just my thoughts this morning.

...and why is it so hot in here???


  1. You lie. I was only in the bathroom for two and a half Five for Fighting songs. Meh :oP

  2. The water was still running for "The Riddle," and, unless I am mistaken, that is song four.


  3. It's just really hard to know who to believe here!


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