People: 1 More Reason I Don't Like Them Anymore

I realize that I should write much more often, but this work thing can be a little more intense than I first imagined, especially when coupled with school. Energy wanes and never waxes leaving me with this moderately irritable mood and a desire to see a large part of the American public beaten.

There is a pettiness that seems to reside in a great part of the customers I work with; a general attitude that says that you will meet their demands, or that they will make your life more difficult. That I am required to be polite to people who intentionally make my life harder galls me. There are many 40-year-old men who are in need of a good dressing down; they act like spoilt children, throw tantrums when they don't get their way, and treat us poorly when their screw-up goes beyond what we can fix.

A woman who came in on Sunday brought back well worn clothing without a receipt and demanded a return. She was, of course, turned down. She then held conference with her teens, which conference ended with them making a half dozen messes out of recently reordered clothes and leaving.

I was not the only person talking about strangling them, but that would be against policy, as well as any other kind of action.

It is little episodes like this that make me very tired and put me in a standoffish/near homicidal mood. These moments also teach me a little of the way in which I was sheltered. My friends, family, general community in which I grew up, were and are made of of largely considerate individuals who would find the aforementioned behavior appalling. There has been a paucity of really, petty, selfish, and uncouth people in my life. More importantly, I was never in a position where those kinds of people had power to do anything against me. I am further angered by knowing that I could have stopped the family in the example with a few direct sentences, but those aren't allowed at Penney's. We're just supposed to get rid of our spine and let the people walk over us, nevermind that it is not the managers, but the zone associates who had to work like maniacs to clear it up.

But look at me sitting here talking, there's science to be done!


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