Utility Team.

I have every intention of putting in a transfer application to the utility team at Penney's soon. I am already a noted useful, helpful, hardworking, commodity within the store, so it will be no sweat with Winston's recommendation. My reasons for wanting to switch are many, but I'll give you a taste of the main ones.

1) My managers know that I will take on about any task and not complain about it, because of this they come right to me with work, and do not go to whinier co-workers.
2) I get to deal with all of the hassles of the customers, without being in a position to pad any of the numbers that lead to raises. I work like a dog, am sometimes treated like a dog, but it doesn't show in their numbers.
3) I like the members of the utility team more than a lot of the men's people.
4) Next week I am scheduled for 27 hours. When I was hired I was promised that I would not work more than 20 hours during a school week. I have had to have this fixed 5 times now, and despite the fact they keep promising it will never happen again, it keeps happening. Utility will mean that I am only needed 12-20 hours a week.

I am good at what I do, and my managers are under pressure to keep the department preforming during a recession, but a deal is a deal and I hate being lied to. And I have now been lied to several times. I owe them nothing.


  1. My word verification for the last comment was "crism"... Can you set them to miss-spelled little-known elements?


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