Lamp Posts in the Rain

I do not know why it is that I so love the sight of them. There is something about the bleary, radiant, veiled quality of that light that I love.

Better even than the sight of them; walking on a dark rainy night with said orbs as the only illumination on the path and that tangy worm-smell in the air.

And also, the soft caress of rain, even if bitter cold, I have always found so soothing. It is like the drops, which roll off of my face, carry my worries and stress away with them. Even after the longest days, the rain always makes me feel light again.

With the darkness and the solitude and the steady, measured, and ceaseless patter of the rain, the smallest spark of imagination or breath of a whim leads to the most wondrous realms of thought.

It really is a pity that it is so late and I have class tomorrow; I should love a little walk in the rain.

Or better yet: a long walk.


  1. Patchy, I must say I truely appreciate the images that break throgh the barrier of the mental walls that have been articually placed in my brain. I commend you for this ability. You have my gratitude.


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