
Saving a resolution for the new year is a practice with which I do not really hold. If something I need to reform on comes to mind, I act on that knowledge. So my resolution is what it was; enact my resolutions when they come to mind and strive always to be a better son, grandson, brother, and human being in general. I will receive good grades and improve my mind and will love every second of it.

The problem with making these new year resolutions can be observed by the rise and ebb of traffic in the YMCA parking lot. They resolve; they tire; they fail. Do not save your resolutions for the new year and do not consider your resolutions only once a year. Each day is a day for new resolve. Do not think about the steps you could take to better yourself, just take them.

None of these things are easy and I feel like I seldom succeed. Seldom, though, means that I do succeed in some places.

And even in those times where my resolutions fail and my slovenly nature and general difficult maleness take over, I know that my failures are already washed away in the Blood of The Lamb, Who takest away the sin of the world. It is not my resolve that matters.

This year I will see failures; I always do. We will all see failure. We will hurt the ones we love and disappoint those whom we respect. But no jot of it will be counted against us.

If you feel the need to make a resolution and feel that you will not have the presence to do so another time; then resolve yourself to remember that your resolve does not matter. Resolve yourself to the understanding that all things good have been resolved in your favour. You are named blameless, spotless, and perfect; an heir of the Blood and Lineage of God. And nothing--no failures, fears, evil words, or violence--nothing can remove your Father's name from you, which he placed in your baptism.

Resolve yourself, thus. Eat The Body and drink The Blood of God; Eat and Drink to life eternal.

A+D 2010


  1. This was so great I just had to quote you and link to it. Happy New Year.


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