Trains of Thought: No Crossing.

"Because," I said, "the free man ought not to learn any study slavishly. Forced labors performed by the body don't make the body any worse, but no forced study abides in a soul." -Plato

One word. Communication.

Public speech I can do. Memorizing a few dozen terms that I will never seriously use, which no one outside of a business seminar or a com department will, so, stupid.

I think I am one of just a couple of people who have done their thinks the sharp and sarcastic Frau Schulz will have munitions come Wednesday.

I have honestly been contemplating the possibility of shaving myself bald this fall. At current rate I probably have three years or so before my issue necessitates action, but curiosity is eating at me.

O-M-G! Like, the Masterpiece Theatre version of Emma is, like, so amazing. It totally deserves the comparisons to P&P '95.

Back to eavesdropping.


  1. Heeeeey, are you making fun of me?

    And dude. If you shave your hair off I will... do something drastic and painful to you.

  2. No! No! Not Lost In Austen again! Anything but that!!!

  3. Please. Any other of your little fan fic fantasies that take beautiful literature and twist it into some kind of itish thingy, but not that one.

  4. Whoa, there. I don't do fanfiction.

    Except for the really good stuff. And I'm pretty sure you enjoyed those Pamela Aiden books as much as I did. :oP


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