A Little More Time for You Sir?

The last few days have been worth more to me than any in a long time. Even in the midst of a cold, the recent sunlight and warmth make me feel like a different man. I am more cheerful. I have no ill-temper. Sitting in the sun with a good book made for a very good day today.

There is the knowledge that I will be returning to work shortly, but hundreds of pages of--simply worded dreck--are not so bad if I can read them outside...that is, without freezing my keister off.

Between the whole disease thing and the sunshine I have been reading a huge amount recently. Good development.

I need to see if I can take Bartky's test on a computer. I really don't need another painful slog like that last one.

I have some stuff I want to blog, but it is all so terribly long and in depth...I keep telling myself to sit down and write some of it out...but I really can't be bothered. Maybe next time.


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