Peaks and Valleys.

Today started in a valley that I like to call "waking up." It is a very tiresome place to be; for it is very hard to see anything and there always seems to be a cat under your feet.

We moved along until reaching a slow ascent to this neat little peak called "time with friends." This peak started with breakfast with Theo and Pippin, and moved on to coffee with Brian, Joe, and John. This time was very good for my delicate psyche and included plenty of laughter and butchered German words. The good times extended right through German and all the way up to walking back to Kettler with Winston.

Things get ugly after that.

I returned to the library to meet with my Com classmates. I stayed in the place where we were supposed to meet and stayed there for fifteen minutes. I then made arrangements for extraction. After those arrangements were made I spent the next half hour waiting for my Com mates/scouring the library to make sure they hadn't situated themselves elsewhere. Having established that my group members were not around, I used my remaining time to write an email to my Com professor, going for the slightly hurt, frustrated, and pathetically dependent tone that compassionate liberals respond to like knights to the screams of a damsel.

I then spent what tiny time I had left standing under the rain to try and reduce the building heat and blood-pressure that comes from being stood up yet again.

That was a deep little valley, out of which it took a solid thunder storm to lift me. Lightning does the trick every time. To complete my therapy I indulged in the remainder of my Ben & Jerry's.

After I stopped reacting a touchily to every small offense I was able to get back to my homework, which is actually not that bad...I just couldn't bring myself to work on the group project research.

I need to work with these people, but how am I to smile at those who blow me off without a word, especially when such a large portion of my grade depends on our final project.

If I could ditch the others and reduce the group down to Laurel and I; then we could get something done. The others are turning out to be some really heavy baggage.

Heavy baggage is not conductive to my trip out of that valley.

At least I have Bartky and Erickson tomorrow, so my brain will get some action. I will be very glad to have Bartky back from all of his passover stuff.


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