Well Spotted.

I really need lessons on taking a compliment. It is a rough business, and I am yet to figure out how to do it gracefully.

Earlier, while getting coffee, someone commented on my looks. I--naturally--felt the compliment to be just, but I am still uncomfortable receiving praise, and received it as I receive all such comments: a trifle awkwardly. Naturally, I thanked the person, but I feel as if that is only a partial completion of the social ritual, the latter half of which is nothing short of arcane mystery. And when I receive a compliment is the one time that, for reasons unknown, I find it damn near impossible to look someone in the eye.

I think part of the discomfort, especially when it comes to remarks about looks, is that it is has nothing to do with any virtue of mine, other than basic care of my person.

Clothing is even harder, but for a very different reason. When my dress is complimented as being tasteful, or looking particularly neat, the first thing that goes through my head is, "well spotted." I know when I am well dressed, and though I realize they are paying a compliment, my first reaction is not pleasure and I have no idea why. I enjoy compliments from close friends and family--approval from those whose approval I seek--but I'm uncomfortable with getting the same from acquaintances...let alone strangers.

How does one receive a compliment well. It is totally beyond me; I have seen it done remarkably well, but I am unable to imitate. It vexeth greatly.


  1. I, too, have trouble accepting compliments. That's why I dress like a slob and afford little notice to my appearance otherwise. I used to be ruggedly handsome like you, but I gave it all up to make my life easier.

  2. Not that this will be a comfort, but you might very well be dealing with an inherited blight from moi. Maybe we should get together and role play (grin).


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